Health & Safety
Clover HR is committed to preventing work-related harm and aiding positive health impacts.
We share this ethos with clients and our network in how we operate, behave and influence.
This policy complements the sustainability and wider principles within our quality policy.
Our senior management team (SMT) recognise the need to understand, anticipate and control the health and safety risks even; or especially, within a relatively low risk sector.
We embrace the World Health Organisation definition of Health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
Our passion is that working for and with Clover HR can have a positive effect on one’s health. We recognise that proactive H&S management, goes beyond just compliance with legal requirements and contributes to securing an efficient profitable and sustainable business.
We will:
- take personal responsibility for the health and safety (H&S) of ourselves and others
- comply with all regulatory and other applicable requirements
- incorporate relevant H&S considerations and requirements into our risk register and management system
- identify H&S objectives and standards relevant to our business model and risk profile
- monitor and review progress against our H&S commitments via SMT meetings
- include safety related events in our non-conformance and incident review process
- establish processes and tools to minimise risk from our known potential risks arising from occupational driving, use of DSE in varied environments, work related stress and visits to third party sites
- provide the right information, advice, training and supervision so that our people understand their safety responsibilities, risks and how to minimise them
- promote a culture of openness where all employees and consultants are confident and encouraged to speak honestly about any concerns
- provide sufficient resources to implement this policy in full.
All employees and consultants; look out for each other and support us in our commitments
Managing Director and the Management Team; set the culture and direction for effective H&S management
Communication of this Policy
This policy will be displayed on our website and will be brought to the attention of other interested parties’ as required.